As you can see, I have finally got around to making a few little changes on here, just little tweaks to make it a bit nicer. This is partly thanks to Godelieve, as she has a blog devoted to helping us novices with improving on the original template.
I've been planning this header for ages, I have just been so busy with other projects that I kept putting off making it. I wanted to use all of my favourite stamps and techniques, to reflect the general content here. So, stamp-wise, you will see my Cherry Pie and Aud Design swirls, Hero Arts script, PSX alphabet, Cherry Pie face and a butterfly stamp (Rubbadubadoo). The background was made using the craft mat/water technique and Distress Ink in Dusty Concord plus Nick Bantock Dye Ink in Damson Plum. All of the black stamping was done using Versafine, and the golds were either Perfect Pearls on Versamark or Gold heat embossing on acetate. The chipboard letters are from Making Memories and were coloured with Brilliance Inks, the gold swirl is 7Gypsies, and the flower is Prima.
Oh, and if anyone is interested, the name of this blog is from an ATC I did for one of Isa's challenges, which said "I like it...but is it Art?" It refers to the interesting question for stampers, that since we are using someone else's images, is it art? Or maybe it should be "Whose art is it anyway?"
What's On Your Workdesk ? Wednesday #815
4 days ago
i completely agree with the name of your blog... i love your new header and i like reading your blog so much ive nominated you for a rocking girl blogger award.. hope thats cool!
This is great! I love the new look!!
Love the header Hazel - fabulous colours and great stamping.
I just love the header, it looks fab!
Hazel - this is really gorgeous - I had to scroll down to find this entry and tell you.
Your new header is just fabulous! Love all the techniques you used, the colors, and it really is well balanced! Gorgeous!
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